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Solutions › Cloud Backup

We provide a peace of mind, offsite cloud backup solution designed for your business's unique needs.

We fully manage your backups, offsite and in the cloud.

Your business deserves to be protected. Our managed data backup service is a true peace of mind solution for Canadian small and medium sized businesses.

A managed backup service from Frontier PC ensures that all files are automatically backed up as frequently as every 15 minutes if needed. And it will likely cost less than your monthly phone bill. So, how much is your data worth?

Your business data is the lifeblood of your company and the amount you are collecting and storing is growing all the time. Imagine the impact if you lost a day's data, a week's data, a year's data, due to inadequate or infrequent back-up processes. What would happen, could you recover?

With Frontier PC's Managed Backup service all aspects of your backup including folders, files and storage server are monitored and managed by the professionals at Frontier PC according to your business requirements.

Frontier PC's Managed Backup Service monitors multi-user environments, schedules automatic backups, and monitors the health of your backups.

Incremental Backups

Never do a full backup again. Incremental backups drastically reduce the backup time, network traffic, and workload of your servers.

Restore to any hardware

Perform a bare metal restore of your data to dissimilar hardware. You don't have to worry about purchasing that new server anymore.

Virtual Server Support

With our services, you can back up your virtual servers with the same software that you use to backup your physical servers.

Supreme Flexibility

Whether it is just one file or a full restore, you can recover your data from nearly any point in time.

Full Reporting

Wide range of detailed reports are provided to ensure that you know what is happening.

Fully Monitored

We monitor the software to ensure it is always working, and will act immediately if there is an issue.

Your data is growing

Digital data is rapidly growing at a rate of 80% each year, and businesses like yours are responsible for maintaining 85% of that information. Keeping your data safe should be a high priority.

Data loss happens

Hard drive crashes, spilled coffee, and accidental file deletion can occur any time and put your company in jeopardy. 93% of all companies that suffer data loss close within 5 years!

You need to do more

Traditional backup solutions can be expensive and take weeks to implement, leaving your business vulnerable to revenue and productivity loss.

Low cost of ownership

A fully managed data backup and restore solution for the same, or less than a capital purchase that you would have to manage yourself.

Save storage + bandwidth

While most solutions require full backups, our solution only requires an initial full backup then from that point stores only incremental file changes.

Safeguard information

Since the solution takes backups in terms of changes, you will be able to recover files, even older revisions, safely and securely.

Ensure Continuity

Backup up your most critical applications to ensure that you can get quick access to restore systems in the event of a failure.

Decrease Downtime

With our rapid restore capabilities, we will minimize the time and costs associated to lost productivity and downtime.

Detailed reporting

No longer will you be unsure of how well your data is protected. We will provide you with reports monthly that let you know that your data is safe!

Reduced Costs
  • Less storage space required
  • Less bandwidth needed
  • Recover to dissimilar hardware if needed
  • Improved productivity
  • Back up more data in less time
  • Minimize downtime with faster restore times
  • Restore from any point in time you have a backup
Increased Awareness
  • Centralized NOC Management & Monitoring
  • Detailed monthly reports on backup status
  • Increased confidence
  • Minimize business downtime in the event of data loss
  • Automatic scheduling
  • Backups are always managed by experts

Request a Callback

We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm Pacific time. We typically call back the same or next business day.

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