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  Category: Laser and Inkjet Printers

Business-Friendly, Eco-Friendly. Lexmark brings the two together

Firms usually have to choose between being business-friendly and being eco-friendly. Now with Lexmark's laser inkjet printers, the two come together in an unlikely duo. Enjoy crisp colours that help your business drive its point home, and stay sustainable with the various environmentally-friendly features.

Inject brilliance into your prints: Lexmark's laser inkjet printers delivers bold colours at fast speeds. Combined with network-ready capabilities that allow connections to multiple computers, Lexmark's printers add a new "pop" to your business, both on paper and in the workplace.

Do your part for the environment: The new buzzword in every field is sustainability. That's why Lexmark's inkjet printers offer numerous eco-friendly features. With Quiet, Hibernate, and Eco modes, doing your part for the environment is as easy as the push of a button.

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We may carry what you are looking for but it simply hasn't made it online yet, or it may have been replaced by a newer model. Let us help you find what you're looking for. We're here to help Monday to Friday 9:30am to 9pm Eastern Time (6:30am to 6pm Pacific Time).

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